Do you want to know what is the best way to select the best photographer for your child’s communion in Gibraltar? Which offer is right for you? As there are so many offers and photographers in Gibraltar you have every right to feel confused.


Who is the best communion photographer from Gibraltar for you?

First of all you should think about the budget for this purpose. It’s also worthwhile to ask your friends for recommendations. Then look for photographers in the area who specialise in children photography. Each of us specialises in different types of photography. For communion the best will be a person who photographs kids mostly (so no wedding or newborn photographers, because they specialise in reportages or studio photography mostly) and who like children. Then the photographer’s style should reflect your preferences.
If you think about having the communion photoshoot with me it’s absolutely an option. Let me tell you some more about what it looks like.


See my portfolio and get a feeling of which kind of style I practise

My portfolio is available here, there you can find more information and get a feeling of which kind of style I practise. It is one of the most important decisions. If that doesn’t “click” then maybe you should consider to keep looking. Photography is an artistic expression. It’s crucial that the portfolio of the photographer reflects your expectations, that way the chance to get it right is much higher. With me you can choose two types of the photos – my personal natural style, but full of colours, lights and contrasts or fine art. More information about the differences in those styles here: Fine art photography or natural photos – what is the difference?.


Choose the best suited communion photoshoot package from my offer

When you are sure that the portfolio reflects what you would like to see with the final product it’s time to select the best suited communion photoshoot package. Children who are going to the communion are 6-7 years old, so I personally recommend a one hour photoshoot package. There is a 1,5 hours offer where you can choose 2 different places, but it can be strenuous for kids at this age, it’s quite long. We are aiming for a pleasant experience for the children and the parents and would like to avoid bad associations with the photoshoot. The most amazing pictures are taken when a child is excited, happy and relaxed. Usually the first 15 minutes of the photoshoot is focused on getting to know each other and to leave the stress behind.


Communion photoshoot in Gibraltar – how does it look like?

After selecting the package and the place we are booking a photoshoot. The responsibility to prepare the clothes lies with the parents. We can take some pictures with the family members, communion is a very important event for the whole family, I just need to be made aware of the fact that this is what you want so I can properly plan the scenario of the shoot. Please try to arrive on time, because sometimes I have a couple of photoshoots the same day and I can not be late.


When the photos are ready?

The last thing that you must have in mind is that it takes up to 6 weeks to finish editing the photos. That is why you should consider booking early to make sure that the photos are available when you need them. I am usually booked for 3 month in advance, so if you plan to have a communion photoshoot ready in May, you should write to me in January/ February latest. That way we can make sure that everything is smooth and ready for this important event.


Click on the photo to see it in the lightbox view.